Embrace Bio-syncing, Find Happiness, & Make Relaxed Weekend Meals
Check out my latest podcast episodes
Excited to be back with all new episodes of my podcast One Real Good Thing, where we dive into one thing you can do today—this week—to propel your life in a healthy direction. Happy listening! —Ellie
Biohacking is a hot health trend that may offer some benefits, but can also be rife with fraud and potentially damaging to your well-being. Instead of buying into the gung-ho biohacking mentality, I advocate doing just the opposite by embracing what I call biosyncing. Listen as I explains why, and what a huge difference it could make.
Want to be happier? Who doesn’t!? This episode will help you get there, but not in the way you might expect. Tal Ben-Shahar –a leading expert in the science of happiness says “if you want to be in the light, help those around you shine.” Listen to find out what he means by that and how it can change your life for the better.
What if you took one day each week to slow down, chill out and enjoy relaxed meals and quality time with loved ones? It can be a life-altering habit to get into and it’s just what chef and celebrated cookbook author Adeena Sussman helps us do with her latest, New York Times best selling book Shabbat: Recipes and Rituals from My Table to Yours. In this episode she shares strategies and inspirations for making weekend eating both restorative and sumptuously delicious.